Thursday, December 29, 2005

Las Vegas New Year's Eve

So there I was.....minding my own business when suddenly appeared a small group of ruffians. Nothing terribly unusual for a Las Vegas New Year's Eve until.....I realized they were pushing something. As they drew nearer it dawned on me. They were pushing a stroller! From the looks of it a nice one. What group of college-age men would be caught dead pushing a stroller down the strip on New Year's Eve? Well, apparently, ones that I'd like to get to know a little better! The ingenious boys were pushing around a keg and using the cupholders on the stroller for their beers!

Each year I never know what I'm going to see, but I always hope to top what I saw the year before. Tourists and locals - don't disappoint me!
Rumor has it that on Freemont Street the mayor will be attempting the World's Largest Toast - 11,999 champagne drinkers and 1 martini. I love Oscar and all, but I'm not going to pay $40 to be downtown when I can go to the strip for free!